1000 Words or More
Some of My Favourite Images, Recent and from the Past
2022 has come and gone. I’ve enjoyed so many beautiful images, online and off. It has been written that, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. I agree. Possibly more than 1000.
Here is a small sample of ones that I have returned to more than once.
Farming without fossil fuels. Breaking sod in Alberta, Canada, early 20th century.

The “Web” has many meanings. To this Orb spider it means survival and perpetuating its species.

Brain charts: Changes during our human lifespan. It’s natural and part of life.

“He’s all beef”…one of many cartoons published by the “New Yorker” magazine.

The Keeling Curve: the longest, continuous dataset containing changes in our global CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration (ppm) over the past 60 years.

The “Hockey Stick”: popular media name for the exponential increase in “global warming” that was first published by the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University (UK).

This dataset became the object of a massive, global email attack in 2009 that was directed mostly at Prof. Phil Jones at the CRU. He was vindicated after going before a special Parliamentary Committee that investigated whether he had falsified the data. The perpetrators are still not known. In 2021 a movie was released that told the horrible attacks upon Prof. Jones.
An artist's rendering of a Neanderthal woman based upon archeological records. We share approximately 99% of our DNA with Homo neanderthalensis.

How fast is the Universe expanding over the past ~13.8 billion years?

72.53 ± 0.99 km s−1 Mpc−1 definition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsec ; Hubble’s law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble%27s_law
Unless you are living under a rock somewhere in the depths of the Pacific Ocean you have heard about the miracles being predicted using “AI” (artificial intelligence)

The corporate spending on AI products has increased >16 times since 2013.
Earthrise, 1968

1968, Earthrise, from the surface of the moon: On Dec. 24, 1968, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders became the first humans to orbit the Moon, and the first to witness the magnificent sight called “Earthrise.” As the spacecraft was in the process of rotating, Anders took this iconic picture showing Earth rising over the Moon’s horizon. In 2018, the International Astronomical Union commemorated the event by naming a 25 mile diameter crater “Anders’ Earthrise.”
Wonderful memories when I think about the mostly life sciences cartoons drawn by Gary Larsen, himself a biologist. Here’s just one that makes me laugh many years after having first seen it.

The James Webb Space Telescope was commissioned December, 2021. The far-reaching distance and resolution of its images have been spectacular. Below we see the “Carina Nebula“ one of the nurseries where stars are born: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2022/nasa-s-webb-reveals-cosmic-cliffs-glittering-landscape-of-star-birth

Mt. Baker in Washington State (USA) seen from Mt. Tolmie in Victoria, BC (Canada. 2023). Baker is one of several quiescent volcanos in the Cascade Range of mountains which join others along the Northwest Coast of the US and Canada (BC). Photo by Zack Florence.

I’m closing with a link to the “Good News Network”: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/more/about-us/
Happy New Year! and Keep Safe and Sound.
Thanks for taking your time to have a look at my work.
Zack Florence zfconsulting99@gmail.com