Are you Gasping for Air?

Zack Florence
2 min readMar 4, 2024

The US Presidential Election is sucking up all of the Oxygen! Someone has to say it: the US sucks up more than its share of global oxygen!

This will be a short blast of hot air. Please bear with me. It won’t last long.

Look at who is voting this year! It’s world wide.

Canada had several local and provincial elections scheduled but the next Federal election is not officially due until 2025. That could change.

Unless you have been living under a rock in Patagonia, you know that the US election campaign for President usually lasts at least 4 years, if not more. The last Presidential inauguration was in January (2021,: the next campaign began the day after.

I don’t have the time to justify all of this, but little is needed:

  • the US election system is a disaster.
  • the Electoral system is archaic and no one understands why it remains but it determines who will be President.
  • every state has its own rules and unique ballot.
  • electronic voting is rampant.
  • there is no effective national oversite of the election.
  • The Constitution of the US is largely ignored; why would Trump even be close enough to smell a ballot in 2024?
  • During his term as President Trump packed the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) with alcoholics and grifters, not unlike himself — -yes, I know, He doesn't drink, unfortunately. Surely Big Macs must have some negative effects.
  • If a statistician were to design a survey design, which is what an election is, the US system would be null and void — — go away and try again!

I’m lucky, I live in Canada but, I get to vote and submit tax returns in Canada AND the US.

Thanks for listening!

If you are in the mood, give me a clap, otherwise, take a deep breath and have a nice day!

Zack Florence

